The pentagon imagined if the USA was forced to have to attack Indonesia how many losses that must in pikul the US side and how many of the side's Indonesian profits from the presence of the US troops there.
Like that entered Indonesian plain waters, they would in blocked the customs and excise side because brought entered firearms and the bladed weapon as well as war equipment without the permit from the government of RI. Ini meant them must provide "Money" for "Peace", tried to count how many sizes if bawaa him so many.
Afterwards they established Base camp the military, could in guessed around base camp definitely would in surrounded by the seller of meatballs, Tukang coconut Ice, the VCD place hardened, until the sale Cell-Dam Rp.
10000 3 Pcs.
That not to mention the businessmen of the dove comedy will go along mangkal around base camp also.
Afterwards combat vehicles as well as the tank -the steel plating tank that in parked close base camp would in put on the fee parked by the official from the service perpakiran the area.
If two first hours perkendaraan was put on by Rp.
10,000.- (maklum white people's tariff), how many must in paid the USA if the vehicle & the tank must park for a month.
Along the road to the location base camp US troops must face Mr. Cepek that was pretentious repaired the road while charging the cost for the vehicle that passed this road.
And if kendaran combat and the tank must turn or pass their three-way intersection must prepare recehan to Mr. Cepe.
A big bustle for the party of troops if must berkonvoi, because of the proceeding convoy slow definitely would in approached the buskers, the beggar and street children, this was significant must dismiss recehan again.
That not to mention if in the road to meet police that was bokek, necessarily be hit by the whistle because of the convoy without permission.
Imagine how much money for peace that must in dismissed.
In base camp the military, the US troops must have been not could sleep, because of his mosquitoes good heavens, very big like vampire.
Tonight in their quiet forest would in visited the women who laughed and cried.
Must him they were happy because of could have a date with this woman but this happiness will disappear like that saw these women had hollow big on his back.
The following morning they could not bathe because in the river many in through the "Kuning Guided Missile" that in fired the local inhabitants from "Flying helicopter the" toilet" alias was floating on the river.
US troops could not also be far far from pelaratan his war, because around base camp has observed the iron trader loakan that was ready to dismantle sophisticated war equipment that was carried by them.
It was careless that just a few of their sophisticated tanks will be ready dikiloin.
That not to mention the motor vehicle thefts that were ready to act with his T key to being ready to seize their war jeeps that if in dempul and the repeated paint could in sold expensive to the person's rich children that pengen style-gayaan.
And that was again sadder troops's US body would jamuran because of could not change clothes.
If brave determined to put his clothes in the sun to dry and careless just a few, tomorrow their clothes already mejeng in the Jatinegara market in second-hand clothes place.
Their telecommunications equipment also must in guarded tight, because the red axe bandits have aimed at the sophisticated equipment.
And they must also pay land rent that in used to base camp to the pilgrim Husin, the pilgrim mamat, and Engkong jai the owners of the land.
Besides this they must also ask permission to RT/RW and the local district, how many tables that must in through and how many the fund that must in prepared to meng-Amplopi these officials.
The commanders in these US troops also will be affected by the task of the addition of supervising his soldiers who often slipped away went out base camp in order to watch dangdut in RW 06, he said had Inul there.
Imagined this all akhi him Rumsfield decided to not attack Indonesia!!!
Rabu, 16 April 2008
Pentagon membayangkan jika AS terpaksa harus menyerang Indonesia berapa kerugian yang harus di pikul pihak AS dan berapa keuntungan pihak indonesia dari kehadiran tentara AS di sana. Begitu memasuki perairan dataran indonesia, mereka akan di hadang pihak bea cukai karena membawa masuk senjata api dan senjata tajam serta peralatan perang tanpa surat izin dari pemerintah RI. Ini berarti mereka harus menyediakan "Uang Damai", coba hitung berapa besarnya jika bawaanya sedemikian banyak. Kemudian mereka mendirikan Base camp militer , bisa di tebak di sekitar base camp pasti akan di kelilingi oleh penjual Bakso, Tukang Es kelapa, lapak VCD bajakan, sampai obral Cel-Dam Rp. 10000 3 Pcs. Belum lagi para pengusaha komedi puter bakal ikut mangkal di sekitar base camp juga. Kemudian kendaraan-kendaraan tempur serta tank -tank lapis baja yang di parkir dekat base camp akan di kenakan retribusi parkir oleh petugas dari dinas perpakiran daerah. Jika dua jam pertama perkendaraan dikenakan Rp. 10.000,- (maklum tarif orang bule), berapa yang harus di bayar AS kalau kendaraan & tank harus parkir selama sebulan. Sepanjang jalan ke lokasi base camp pasukan AS harus menghadapi para Mr. Cepek yang berlagak memperbaiki jalan sambil memungut biaya bagi kendaraan yang melewati jalan tersebut. Dan jika kendaran tempur dan tank harus membelok atau melewati pertigaan mereka harus menyiapkan recehan untuk para Mr. Cepe. Suatu kerepotan besar bagi rombongan pasukan jika harus berkonvoi, karena konvoi yang berjalan lambat pasti akan di hampiri para pengamen, pengemis dan anak-anak jalanan, ini berarti harus mengeluarkan recehan lagi. Belum lagi jika di jalan bertemu polisi yang sedang bokek, udah pasti kena semprit kerena konvoi tanpa izin. Bayangkan berapa uang damai yang harus di keluarkan. Di base camp militer, tentara AS sudah pasti nggak bisa tidur, karena nyamuknya masya Allah, gede-gede kayak vampire. Malam hari di hutan yang sepi mereka akan di kunjungi para wanita yang tertawa dan menangis. Harusnya mereka senang karena bisa berkencan dengan wanita ini tapi kesenangan tersebut akan sirna begitu melihat para wanita ini punya bolong besar di punggungnya. Pagi harinya mereka tidak bisa mandi karena di sungai banyak di lalui "Rudal Kuning" yang di tembakkan penduduk setempat dari "Flying helicopter" alias wc terapung di atas sungai. Pasukan AS juga tidak bisa jauh jauh dari pelaratan perangnya, karena di sekitar base camp sudah mengintai pedagang besi loakan yang siap mempereteli peralatan perang canggih yang mereka bawa. Meleng sedikit saja tank canggih mereka bakal siap dikiloin. Belum lagi para curanmor yang siap beraksi dengan kunci T-nya siap merebut jip-jip perang mereka yang kalau di dempul dan cat ulang bisa di jual mahal ke anak-anak orang kaya yang pengen gaya-gayaan. Dan yang lebih menyedihkan lagi badan pasukan AS akan jamuran karena tidak bisa berganti pakaian. Kalau berani nekat menjemur pakaiannya dan meleng sedikit saja, besok pakaian mereka sudah mejeng di pasar jatinegara di lapak-lapak pakaian bekas. Peralatan telekomunikasi mereka juga harus di jaga ketat, karena para bandit kapak merah sudah mengincar peralatan canggih itu. Dan mereka juga harus membayar sewa tanah yang di gunakan untuk base camp kepada haji Husin, haji mamat, dan engkong jai' para pemilik tanah. Di samping itu mereka juga harus minta izin kepada RT/ RW dan kelurahan setempat, berapa meja yang harus di lalui dan berapa banyak dana yang harus di siapkan untuk meng-Amplopi pejabat-pejabat ini. Para komandan di pasukan AS ini juga akan kena tugas tambahan mengawasi para prajuritnya yang banyak menyelinap keluar base camp buat nonton dangdut di RW 06, katanya ada Inul di sana. Membayangkan ini semua akhinya Rumsfield memutuskan TIDAK AKAN MENYERANG INDONESIA !!!
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